Monday, April 18, 2011

Licchavi kings


Famous Lichhavi Kings

Vaisalia was the Lichchhavis homeland. After it was destroyed by Ajatsatru, they flew away to Nepal. Supuspa was the first lichchhavis to enter Nepal and Jaydev I established Lichchhavi rule in Nepal in around 300 A.D. Jaya Dev I was the first king of this line. He has defeated Vasker Verma of of soma dynasty and established Lichchhavis dynasty.

Famous Kings:
A. Mana Dev: The first historical king of nepal. His change Narayan inscription dated 464 A.D. gives valuable information about Lichchhavis rule. He suppressed the feudal chiefs of the east and west and also conquered Mallapuri. he minted Manaka coin and constructed Managriha the new palace for him.

B. Ansuverma: He was not belonged to Lichchhavi dynasty, the was a famous king of the period. He suppressed the powerful Guptas (Courtiers) a malla Thakuri from western Nepal was apppointed as courtier in Shiva Dev 1st place. He introduces various reforms. He constructed Kailash Kut Bhawan.

C. Jaya Dev II : He was the last famous king of Lichhavi dynasty. His Pashupati inscription gives the genealogy of the of Lichchhavi dynasty. He did very well reformation in the part of social and political, different types of taxes, art and architecture, trade and commerce.
Mediaeval Period :

Raghavadevia who founded a ruling dynasty since 879 A.D. ; by which date the Lichchhavi dynasty come to an end and it is guessed that a new Thakuri dynasty was started by Raghadeva, according to Dr. Regimi this dynasty have ruled till 1044 A.D. by around 10 kings of this time. At about 11th century, Nepal was split into three states. The Khasiya Mallas dominated the western Nepal, the Dayas took control of the eastern Terai by nanya dev, and the Mallas come to power in Kathmandu valley. In due course of thime the Western Nepal was further divided into 46 Principalities:- 24 in Gandak region known as Chaubisi and Baise in Karnali region known as Baise. The eastern states were also divided into at least three principalities ruled by sena kings. The Kathmandu valley was split into three small kingdom - Kantipur, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur during the time of Yaksha Malla in 14th century.

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